If you are looking for Brake Pads Manufacturers and Suppliers in Germany, you are in the right place.
We here listed the Top 10 Brake Pads Manufacturers and Suppliers in Germany.
Check and ask for a quote for brake pads, brake discs, brake drum, brake shoes, brake sensors, control arm, most of the brake products, auto parts
1.SIBRE – Siegerland Brakes GmbH
Address: Auf d. Stücke 1-5, 35708 Haiger, Germany
Plus code:Q6F4+PP Haiger, Germany
sure to be safe
Die SIBRE Siegerland Bremsen GmbH bietet Projektentwicklern, Anlagenbauern, Kranherstellern, Anlagenbetreibern, der Schwerindustrie und Herstellern von Windkraftanlagen industrielle Bremssysteme und Antriebskomponenten, die sich durch Sicherheit, hohe Qualität nach ISO 9001 und Langlebigkeit auszeichnen.
Mit unserem Know-how von über 50 Jahren unterstützen wir Sie optimal in Ihren Businessprozessen – von der Produktentwicklung über die Fertigung der Bremsen bis hin zur Inbetriebnahme und weltweitem Support sowie mit spezifischen Wartungsverträgen.
The KRAFT-TEK ® corporation is operating on an International scale- while specializing on friction materials such as disc Brake Pads, drum brake shoes and disc brake rotors for Passenger cars and disc brake pads and drum brake linings for Commercial Vehicles.
With a long history in the Automotive sector (3rd generation) KRAFT-TEK ® is taking advantage of the most advanced German automotive know-how and the Canadian matching friction technology to offer a high quality family of friction products to the automotive markets around the globe.
While sales office is located in Germany, production is based on European and North American standards, at associated partners around the world, Canada and Mexico. Factory on-site staff assures and monitors a persistent quality. Delivering Premium products at affordable prices is what drives us on a daily basis.
Being located in Hamburg, Germany we seek the proximity to our global customers as well as combining the central location with the diversity of languages available, for your prime business experience. In order to reduce delivery times as well as reacting faster to customer needs, we are located in the heart of Europe’s Powerhouse, in Germany.
3.COLER GmbH & Co. KG
Address:Zum Barkhoff 7, 49451 Holdorf, Germany
Tel: +49549491580
Plus code: H4WM+X3 Holdorf, Germany
Brake Discs/Rotors
ABE Certificates (TÜV)
High Performance Brake Lines
Brake Shoes & Accessories
The Alliance Automotive Group is facing the profound changes in the automotive industry and, with its dynamism and innovative strength, is well positioned for the markets of tomorrow. Independent workshops, dealers and suppliers will find a potent network here for the future of the automotive aftermarket. As the only nationwide provider of original manufacturer parts and IAM articles, we support you with a complete service for everything to do with the car repairs of tomorrow – from the workshop concept to professional customer service.
4.K-Sport Germany
Address:Döbichauer Str. 5-7, 04435 Schkeuditz, Germany
Tel: +4934205426690
Plus code:9623+WF Schkeuditz, Germany
Brake Pads
K-Sport Gewindefahrwerke wurden entwickelt, um viele Nachteile von derzeit erhältlichen Produkten mit innovativen technischen Lösungen zu eliminieren:
Bei normalen Gewindefahrwerken wird die Höhe eingestellt, indem man die unteren Federteller hoch oder runter schraubt. Dies hat den Nachteil, dass die Feder ihre Vorspannung verliert wenn man das Fahrwerk zu tief schraubt. Die Feder kann dann aus ihrem Sitz herausspringen und sich verkanten, was zu Unfällen führen kann. Die bekannten Hersteller versuchen dieses Problem zu beheben, indem sie Vorspannfedern verwenden. Das hilft bis zu einem gewissen Punkt, war unserer Ansicht nach aber nicht die perfekte Endlösung.
Unsere Fahrwerke sind anders konzipiert. Die Federteller werden bei unserem System so eingestellt, dass die Feder einige Millimeter zusammengedrückt wird und damit leicht gespannt auf dem Dämpfer sitzt. Die Federteller verbleiben dann für immer in dieser Position. Die Höhe unserer Fahrwerke wird dann verstellt, indem man die unteren Achshalterungen auf dem Dämpfer hoch oder runter schraubt (K-Sport “Length-Adjustment-System”). Damit verändert man die Länge des gesamten Federbeins und stellt auf diese Weise die Fahrwerkshöhe ein. Die Federvorspannung bleibt in jeder Position absolut gleich. Ein weiterer Vorteil ist, dass die Länge der möglichen Positiv- und Negativfederwege nicht ändert. Das Fahrverhalten des Fahrzeugs hängt also nicht von der eingestellten Fahrwerkshöhe ab.
Anticipating trends in mobility, picking up on them and turning ideas into unique products has always been our strength at ZF. However, the speed of change has increased significantly. That is why we are making ourselves fit for the future: with the ZF Way. This is a Group-wide initiative that starts at the most diverse points in the company and is aimed at everyone. Common goals and shared values are key to our lasting success.
6.Knorr-Bremse Ibérica, S.L.U.
Address:Döbichauer Str. 5-7, 04435 Schkeuditz, Germany
Tel: +4934205426690
Plus code: 9623+WF Schkeuditz, Germany
Heavy-Duty Brake Drums
Air Disc Brake Rotors & Brake Pads
Truck & Trailer Hub Assemblies
Air Disc Brake Calipers/Kits
Make mobility safer; that is the daily duty of Knorr-Bremse.
We want to contribute to the safety of people in rail and road transport around the world.
The Knorr-Bremse Group, based in Munich, Germany, is the world’s leading manufacturer of brake systems for rail and commercial vehicles. As a technology pioneer, Knorr-Bremse has been decisively pursuing the development, production, sale and service of modern brake systems for more than 110 years. In 2020, the company obtained a turnover of 6.2 million Euros and employed around 29 thousand workers worldwide.
7.Fremax Brakes
Address:Burgemeester van Meeuwenstraat 18, 6191 ND Beek, Germany
Tel: +31432045000
Plus Code:WQWR+WJ Beek, Germay
Brake pads
brake drum & pads
velocity brake shoes
Fremax has been known for manufacturing premium quality brake discs and drums for 30 years. These products meet the needs of the most demanding automotive markets worldwide.Over 5 million discs and brake drums per year are manufactured in the 25,000 m2 plant, located in Joinville, Santa Catarina State, south of Brazil. All products are developed in compliance with the original design of car makers. Nowadays, the product portfolio is made up of over 1,600 part numbers for 55,000 different applications.The plant in Brazil, and the distribution centers in Argentina and the Netherlands are located strategically near the main harbors, airports, and railways in the regions. Fremax ensures fast delivery of its products to all continents.
8.Autechna Autoparts Co., Ltd.
Address:Walbergraben 3, 35614 Aßlar, Germany
Tel:HFPH+4R Aßlar, Germany
Plus Code:HFPH+4R Aßlar, Germany
Custom Wedge Brake Systems &
Custom Mechanical Drum Brakes
Brake PAD
Discs Brake
The focus is on parts for cars, commercial vehicles and trailers, for fire protection as well as industrial requirements and workshop equipment. Kraft also offers entire workshop systems for cars and commercial vehicles. As part of the Carat group of companies, Kraft GmbH provides full service for everything to do with automobiles.Because the community of 100 large vehicle parts dealers in Germany ensures their customers the best shopping opportunities, a comprehensive logistics network and numerous innovative services.As a partner in Autodistribution Internationale (ADI), Europe’s leading vehicle parts trading cooperation, Carat and thus Kraft have excellent contacts to the international procurement markets. A plus that is reflected in a convincing price /p performance ratio.
Trickstuffprodukte sind reparierbar. Das ist für uns ein wichtiger Grundsatz. Natürlich ist nicht jeder Schaden behebbar, aber das ist noch lange kein Grund komplexe Produkte zu Wegwerfartikeln zu machen. Oft verlängern kleine Reparaturen die Lebensdauer eines Produktes enorm. Das macht Spaß, spart Geld und schont die Umwelt.
Zum Service eingeschickte Produkte haben bei uns höchste Priorität, damit sie möglichst bald wieder bei Ihnen sind.
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